Simplify managing information and communication between guides, customers and the business.
Enhance tours by offering participants interactive itinerary access and a central place to share photos, documents, expense tracking and messages … before, during and after trips.
Sample PDF (Detailed View)
Sample PDF (Summary View)
Problems Targeted
Expensive and time consuming creation and maintenance of branded itineraries to use for marketing tours to prospective customers.
Inconsistent communication and information sharing surrounding change management of tour itineraries. This includes conversations and supply of details between staff, tour guides and customers, typically using a disconnected array of emails, SMS’s, phone calls, social media messages, spreadsheets, image and PDF attachments etc.
No efficient way provided to customers to digitally communicate and share with each other during trips, missing an opportunity to enhance the social nature of the group tour experience. Participants often find themselves trying to share photos, documents, split expenses and communicate etc. via a spaghetti of social media, email or messaging groups, spreadsheets or shared folders on the fly, none of which are really designed for this purpose.
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How It Works
BUILD – Login to Lyfshort and create an interactive itinerary by adding a new Trip and related sub-items (use the green + button in the bottom right hand of the screen. include feature images, dates, location maps, details etc. for each item)
REVIEW – Open the top level Trip item and press the “Itinerary” button, a summary view will be displayed. Review/edit the content and add business name, logo and contact details displayed in the PDF Export header.
EXPORT – Save/share the PDF marketing document for prospects of your tour to read. Eg. Website download, email attachment, social media etc.
INVITE – Invite booking customers to the online itinerary and private group within Lyfshort as part of the receipt process. Here tour operators and guides can dynamically update details and efficiently communicate with the whole tour group in one place. Invites are managed by pressing “Group” in a top level Trip and can be sent to customers using email address, SMS, Lyfshort username or a generated link.
SHARE & MESSAGE – As part of the tour, participants now have a private group within a purpose built app to efficiently communicate and share information between each other, before, during and after the trip, all linked to the live itinerary for context. (messages, photos, documents, expense splits, links etc.)
RECALL – In future, any customers wanting to remember or share their experience during the tour in weeks … months … years to come will have a vividly detailed record that is easy to find, fun to re-live and normally not facilitated by other tour companies (without trying to piece together a spaghetti of disconnected emails, message groups, social media feeds, spreadsheets and shared folders etc.).
Group Management
ROLES – Within a Lyfshort group there are 3 roles Owner, Participant and Co-Owner. Typically a tour company would be the Owner, the guide would be the Co Owner and the customers would be the participants. Each role has different editing and view rights. More information about roles can be found here.
SETTINGS – Tour customers (Participants) can not edit itinerary details, only view. They can however send messages, attach Images, PDF’s, expenses, bookmarks and Imports. Tour operators and guides can control the type of things participants can attach within configurable settings on the Group screen.
PRIVACY – When becoming part of a private tour group participants may not initially know each other. For this reason only Avatar, Lyfshort username and the name in the participants profile are initially shared. It is then up to individuals to choose whether or not to share additional information with each other during the tour.